1. East Colvill
Acres: 650
Game Species: Deer, Bear, Small Game, Forest Upland Birds
East Colvill WMA is split into two units, and the units are mostly made up of aspen, birch, spruce, and fir trees.
2. Horseshoe Bay
Acres: 276
Game Species: Deer, Bear, Small Game, Forest Upland Birds
Horseshoe Bay WMA is split into two units, and the units are mostly made up of aspen,birch,spruce, and fir trees.
3. Jonvik
Acres: 955
Game Species: Deer, Bear, Small Game, Forest Upland Birds
Access to Jonvik is only by trails like the Superior Hiking Trail.
4. Leveaux
Acres: 79
Game Species: Deer, Bear, Small Game, Forest Upland Birds
Leveaux is not easily accessible and is not posted. Planning is very important when attempting to go there.
5. Northern White Cedar
Acres: 77
Game Species: Deer, Bear, Small Game, Forest Upland Birds
Old growth, northern white cedar are plentiful in Northern White Cedar WMA.
6. Swamp River
Acres: 2,601
Game Species: Waterfowl
The Swamp River Reservoir runs through the WMA, making the WMA primarily lowland area. There are two places to enter the water, both are located
along highway 16 from hovland. The first is located on a minimum maintenance road that is across from Irish Creek Road and the second is
located down Otter Lake Road.